New Year - New Pelvic Floor

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How’s Your Pelvic Floor?

Can we talk …about something most shy away from? Fit or Flabby, your Pelvic Floor contributes to your overall health in ways you will probably find hard to believe.

Well, it’s January again and everyone is on a Fitness Kick, with the main goal being: ‘Lose Belly Fat’, yawn. Have you considered doing something radical, rather than just following the crowd into the gym? I mean, how about discovering what is actually contributing to your waistline creep, when you have been trying so hard for years? There’s an amazing Fitness Tracker present in your body called the Core Support Sling. It holds up your spine - keeps your belly flat - and exercises your pelvic floor - every time you take a special kind of Breath. It’s that simple.

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Your Core Support Sling

In Pranayama - Yogic Breathing - these structures work in synchronicity to produce High Levels of Muscular Tone in your Belly, Low Back & Pelvic Floor.

When done correctly, lots of Feel Good Hormones get released, too - Calming Your Brain and Leading to Better Sleep!

Everyone has a Core Support Sling. No matter how far you’ve let yourself go, it’s under there somewhere - just waiting to be plugged in. However, parts and pieces of this Internal Sling are probably not working together very well. Even if you are fit and exercise regularly, these major muscular regions may not be supporting you efficiently. You may have trouble taking a deep breath, suffer from low back pain or occasional urinary incontinence - even if your abs are in tip top shape.

Learning to Breathe with your Whole Body is simple, easy and extremely rewarding.  For thousands of years, Yogic Breathing has kept people healthy, happy and lean.

Learning to Breathe with your Whole Body is simple, easy and extremely rewarding. For thousands of years, Yogic Breathing has kept people healthy, happy and lean.

Every time you take a Yogic exhalation, you deliberately coordinate the release of your Respiratory Diaphragm with strong engagement of your deep Abdominals, which leads to a firm contraction of your entire Pelvic Floor. In addition to banishing excess fat from your abdomen, this series of well-timed actions squeezes toxins out of your abdominal organs and reproductive glands.

Each time we Yogis inhale, we take the inverse set of muscular actions, allowing for a tsunami of fresh oxygen to flow into every cell, organ and gland. Wow! A well-toned Pelvic Floor, integrated with coordinated Yogic Breathing, does far more than you realize for both your physical and mental health!

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OK, I’m In. How do I Learn how to Breathe this Way?

Wonderful! I knew you’d be Adventurous. Did I already mention that Better Sex is also one of the benefits? You may be able to drag your Partner along for the process if you let him in on that… Men benefit tremendously from this type of Yogic Breathing, mainly because the Prostate Gland is located (wait for it…) in the center of the Pelvic Floor!

May I suggest a Membership in our Online Yoga Club?

Club Offerings for January will focus on Pelvic Floor Health, Yogic Breathing and achieving a quality Meditation Practice. February will focus on more Yogic Breathing Skills, Heart Health (ie reducing Blood Pressure) and the proper technique for both the ‘Yoga Sit Up’ and the ‘Yoga Push Up’. Why not arrive at Spring 2021, a lean, mean Yoga Machine!

Easy to Follow Instructional Videos, helpful Graphics of Home Routines, and lots of Fun Livestreams come with your Membership. You will have email access to me when you need a question answered or a technique clarified. For more on the Benefits of Membership Click Here.

New Year’s SALE: December 29-January 31: Receive 20% off your first month. Just enter the Coupon Code: JUMPINTOJAN21 when you Create Your Account on our Website.

My commitment to you is to clearly transmit high quality Yoga Instruction in a caring, personalized manner, enabling you to Learn to Breathe in ways that stimulate your Core Support Sling to do it’s Job. Let’s keep you truly Fit, both Within and Without.

Happy New Year - Let’s Make It Our Best Ever!


The Space between Me and God


Props for Home Yoga Practice